
Who the hack is Maximus?
Maximus was born in Klagenfurt / Austria and studied International Business Administration in Vienna at the WU Wien (1999 - 2005). There, he specialized in International Marketing and Management and wrote his master thesis about Tourism in Guatemala. I also have a CEMS Master in International Management which I did at the WU and the Bocconi University. For his entire CV please click here. Maximus is currently working and living in Madrid.
What is Maximus Design?
Maximus Design is NOT a company, it's just a synonym I use when I do creative stuff like this.
If you do creative stuff, why do you have such a lame logo?
This is an interim logo, a person that is more talented than me is currently working on a better logo.
What is this weblog about?
I have a strong interest in pretty everything that has to do with marketing, product management, the internet (especially the blogosphere), technology and business in general. Naturally, most articles will revolve around these topics. I also write about travelling, music, movies, food, sports and all the other things I like.
Do you think you are a future handsome millionaire?
Well, let's say I hope so ;-)
For any other questions, you can contact me at: mmadile [at] gmail.com
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