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Busy days. Anyway, I don't complain, rather the opposite. I consider myself a very lucky man, I have not been feeling that great for quite a while now. Three weeks ago, I got accepted for my current job and as far as I can tell, I love it! I work now for Google in Spain and finally I found a company where the motto "People are our biggest asset" is not just a phrase. Sure, it is a lot of work and there are so many bright people around, it is frightening sometimes. But hey, it's a challenge ;-)

Fact is, that after a year in Spain, I finally have found a work which is exciting, challenging and fun! What do you want more? It was not always easy to start my career, that might be because of the situation in Spain here, but I heard it is not a lot easier in other places anyway. I think I have got this job because of a mixture of persistence, passion and....luck.

Last night I saw Match Point, which is by the way a horrible movie (yes, despite the good reviews), and there was one quote I found particular interesting. At one point the character of Jonathan Rhys Myers said: "What really matters in life is luck. Hard work is mandatory, but what really makes a difference is luck." Funnily enough, I totally agree, although I would add the factor "passion" to this statement, which is also very important if you really want to achieve something or do something really well.

On the other hand I have another worldly wisdom: Luck alone is not enough to succeed in life, as well as one good statement alone does not make a good movie ;-)
flog meinte am 25. Mai, 20:53:
u didn't like...
the actress in Match Point? don't believe you! ok, the plot is a bit boring, but I liked it anyway.