blog stuff
maximus kitchen
multimedia wonders
Weblog abonnieren

Isn't that funny? Before I started my new job, there was lots of time for private projects but I could not get most of the things done. Now, time is precious but I would love to update my weblog at least a bit more frequently. Well, I guess that's just the way of life and I am sure that when I get a bit more used to my new life, things will change.

However, one thing already has changed and this is the head banner. Nothing against my beloved Wörthersee, but I always wanted to have a logo, a mascot or such and now I have kind of both. I proudly present Alfred, the Gorilla who will adorn my weblog from now on. Thanks to my lovely girlfriend for the design!!!

I am continuing to give away all my secret restaurant tips for Madrid here. This time I wanted to recommend Txirimiri which is a tiny Basque restaurant close to my flat. Food is delicious, wine is great, service is good and it's not too expensive either. Here you can find a good review with adress.

Yo no sé nada
The person who is most special to me is writing a weblog and sharing her thoughts about private, economic and politic related matters. She is truly understating because she knows quite a lot. Definitely worth a read. Leave a comment, so you animate her to go on!

Series & stuff
Peekvideo is a site where you can find direct links to different series, music clips and TV shows hosted by other websites (Google Video, Youtube, Gomio, etc.). Unfortunately they erased (they probably had to) all episodes of Malcolm and Scrubs but there is still enough content to kill some hours (days ;-).
rocio meinte am 13. Jun, 17:22:
Maximus, Maximus, where art thou?
I've been longing to hear from maximus, I miss him!