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Weblog abonnieren

I'm amazed AND pissed off. It just needed a moment of lack of attention and this prehistoric Web 0.5 community sent an invitation email to all the contacts of my Gmail account! I seriously thought such sites don't exist anymore but apparently I was wrong. Tagged.com makes use of nearly all the big DON'Ts of the industry: blinking ads, pop-ups, spamming the users, etc.

But from the beginning: I am at work and get an invitation from Tagged. Curious as I am, I sign up and the site asks you if you want to check with your address book which of your friends are already in this community. Somehow I don't pay attention and accept to send an invitation to all the other contacts. Minutes later I get the first emails "Dude, this is kind of spammy", "A lot of advertising in there, don't you think", etc. I log in myself and see the most disastrous community I have seen in a long time.

So I take this opportunity to apologize to all the people who got an invitation. It was not on purpose. Next time you see me and greet me with the words "You've got Tagged" I invite you for a beer. I hope that's a deal.

I don't even want to link to them because that would be actually a favour to them, but I just warn you: Avoid this "service" by all means.

P.S.: One thing I like about them. You have the possibility to cancel your account, which I just did, and they actually ask for the reason why you are about to cancel your account. I wrote: "You tricked me to send an invitation to all my contacts. Your site includes pop-ups and blinky, sleazy ads. Dudes, we are not in the '90s anymore."
rocio meinte am 15. Mär, 03:47:
"You've got tagged"
Are you taking me out for a beer? 
flog meinte am 22. Mär, 08:49:
tja, Auf deine einladung und die fancy marke bin ich auch voll reingefallen und habe angemeldet: it sucks!
ich ruf diese community seite nicht mehr auf, nicht einmal um dein feedback einzusehen. Einen lustigen screenshot lasse ich dir noch per e-mail zukommen, die miserable übersetze Werbung lautete so: "...es könnte zu unvorhersehbaren oder erratisches Verhalten, Fröste, Abbrüche verursachen (...)" => trust me!