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Today I read a pretty interesting article from Jason Calacanis on his opinion about work/life balance when working in startup companies:

" (...) In fact, I was writing about technology while I was an IT consultant in the early 90s. Now, I did feel like my IT job was work--in the bad sense. Don't get me wrong, I loved the IT business but many times it felt like drudgery. So, I can feel Duncan on that front: when you don't love what you do it sucks. The solution to that is fairly obvious, go find something you love to do in life. It might take some time, but it really isn't THAT hard given how amazing the market is (at least in the United Stats). (...)"

Especially recently I thought a lot about this issue and I found two things to be true (in general, not just in startup companies):

1) It's important that you love what you do, but it's REALLY hard to find such a job. If you really want to succeed in your career though, I guess this is what you have to look for, although it might require lots of patience and effort.

2) Even then, you can run into problems. In the best case you don't see your job purely as work, but as a hobby that earns you money. It becomes tricky, however, when the job gets so time consuming that it takes away your private life and sucks in all your attention. Too much of anything is a bad thing too and establishing limits is important.

Conclusion: Even if you get what you want, life does not get easier ;-)